Here is October's presentation from our Community Wildlife Officer about bats and why they are important creatures to protect.
Link to YouTube video here:
Do we also get summer migratory bats as well as the winter migratory species?
Not at the moment, however due to climate change some bats from the continent are coming over to the UK
Do we know if bats are doing better in urban or rural areas?
Depends on the species as urban species such as common pip/soprano pip are coping well and are stable however some more specific woodland species are struggling due to habitat destruction. 4 bat species are at risk of extinction and 2 are near threatened.
Planning guidance for local authorities about bats?
Varies depending on the council. Guidance is available from Natural England and Bat Conservation Trust.
Recommendation of bat detectors?
Heterodyne bat detector – Magenta 5 or 4 is best. To view sonograms some people like to use Echometer touch as this plugs into a mobile phone (android).
North Somerset council bat guidance (recommended by meet-up attendee):